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Foods With Magnesium: 5 Nutrient-Rich Dishes

Why do you need more magnesium in your diet? Find out everything you should know about magnesium-rich foods right here.

If you’re like most of all Lebanese, you only get about 80 percent of your recommended daily amount of magnesium. And since you’re a guy, that magic number is 400 mg. But where do you even get magnesium? And an even better question: Why the hell do you need it?
Magnesium is one of those nutrients often forgotten about—but it shouldn’t be, because it’s necessary for a load of your body’s biochemical reactions: Muscle, nerve and bone function; energy metabolism; blood sugar and blood pressure regulation…hey, you believe us yet? Can we get on with this?
Research also shows that magnesium may play a role in protecting against diabetes and heart disease, so you probably shouldn’t mess around. But don’t worry—we’ve made it easy for you to get your fill from food. Here, 5 magnesium-rich dishes to work into your diet.

Bran Cereal

One ¾ cup serving has 15% your daily value
Okay, it might sound less than exciting as a breakfast option, but aside from the magnesium, it provides a nice boost of energy—plus all that fiber will keep your digestive system (ahem) running smoothly. To make it more interesting, just add in your favorite fruit and a dash of honey or opt for the raisin-loaded kind.


One 1-oz. serving has 20% your daily value
Finally, a new nut someone’s telling you to snack on—aside from almonds. But if you’re not down with grabbing a handful to kill your hunger in the afternoon, you can also get your fill by having some cashew butter on whole-grain toast as a pre-workout snack.


One 1-cup serving (cooked) has about 40% your daily value
Hey, Popeye ate it for a reason, okay? And it can taste pretty damn good as a side dish, thank you very much. Simply sauté it with a little olive oil, some minced garlic , and a sprinkling of red pepper flakes for about 30 seconds. Good stuff. Really good stuff.


One 1-cup serving has 25% your daily value
Order those little green pods as an appetizer next time you get sushi—not only do they pack some serious magnesium, but they’re a good source of protein too. You can also add them into a quick weeknight chicken and broccoli stir-fry. (Don’t worry. Most grocery stores sell them frozen…and already de-shelled.)


One cup (raw) has about 60% your daily value
They’re not always everywhere, sure, but they’re a magnesium powerhouse. So if you see them on that gourmet salad bar: Pile some on. Another easy option is choosing lentil soup off the menu or cooking up a can as an easy, filling lunch. (Just look for the l

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