The cycling of carbs, and along with it calories, has been around the muscle building realm for quite a long time. This style of eating usually involves some form of rotation between low carb days, moderate carb days and heavy carb days.
Many carb cycling diet approaches keep fat and protein intake consistent on a day to day basis. By doing so, calorie intake is also rotated as carb intake is rotated.
The following are not rules, but rather suggestions.
Carb Cycling "Suggestions":
- Men: try and eat at least 160 to 180 grams of protein per day. Women - try to eat 100 to 120 grams of protein per day.
- On low carb days avoid high glycemic fruit, starchy veggies, grains, legumes, sugar and flour. Try and limit your carb intake to 25 to 50 grams.
- On moderate carb days consume about 0.8 grams to 1.5 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight.
- On high carb days consume about 2.0 grams to 2.5 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight.
- Fat intake should be around 20-30% of overall average daily calorie intake.
Ali Al Zeez, Online Fitness Trainer, Blogger.
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